Update interval:
Set the NTP server automatic updated time interval. Valid after setting NTP server synchronization
(default one day, 2-10 days Optional).
NTP server address or domain name
: Set NTP server address or domain name (default time.nits.gov, users can modify
on their own)
NTP Server Port:
Set the NTP server port (effective when NTP Enabled, default 123, users can modify on their own)
Click on the "Save" button, it will be valid when display "Save successful".
Time setting:
Set time mode (to choose the computer time synchronization, NTP server time synchronization, or set
Computer Time:
Set the computer synchronization valid.
Set the time manually:
Click calendar icon on the right to set time manually (only effective when time setting is MANUAL).
3) User Management
Select users: Set the user type (the default administrator, Common User 1, Common User 2 optional)
User name: set the user name (Select User Administrator default admin; select a common user1 default user1; to select a
common user 2 default user2; user can modify their own)
Password: Set a password (Select User Administrator default admin; select a common user1 default user1; to select a
common user 2 default user2; user can modify their own).
Password confirmation: Confirm the input passwords are the same or not.
Click on the "Save" button to display the "Save successfully" message, then the set is to take effect.
Note: Please note the case-sensitivity of the user name and password.
If login page by a common user’s name and password, one does not have configuration privileges but can only operate to
preview, playback, logoff.
4) Version upgrade
MCU version V2.0.0.16 2015-12-18
Camera version V2.0.0.16 2015-12-18
Focus version V2.0.0.6 2015-12-11
Users only read the version information above which is consistent with the menu version but cannot modify. Different types
of the machine has different information.
Update file:
Click "Browse ..." installation, to select the upgrade file in the pop-up window.
Click on the "Upgrade" button, the upgrade dialog will appear. The device will reboot automatically after update successfully.
(Note: make sure the power and network is keeping connected during the process. Alternatively, the upgrade will fail)
5) Restore factory setting
Click on pop-up "Restore Factory Defaults" button and choo
se “yes” or “no”, then the device will restart automatically and
restore factory setting.
6) Reboot
Click on the pop-
up "Reboot" button and choose “yes” or “no”, then the device will restart automatically
4.2.8 Logout
Point "Logout" pop-up "Confirmation" dialog; select "Yes" or "
No”, choose “Yes” to exit the current page and return to the
user login interface again.
4.2.9 Wireless network
If the user's equipment has a wireless network module, Web page "Network Configuration" has "Wireless
Network" configuration page, the specific configuration is as follows:
Network settings
Wireless network
Network interface enable:
can check, to set the following items after checked.
can check, if check, it can obtain IP automatically.
IP address: set wireless WI-FI IP (default, if checked DHCP, IP could assigned automatically)
wireless IP address cannot be in the same segment with wired IP address.