SRPM8 Server System Quick Start Guide 21
Follow the program options and prompts. If you need to access the Help menu, double click
on Help or press <Alt+h>.
Copy Configuration Software to Diskettes
When you copy software from the CD onto diskettes, device drivers suitable for several different
OSs are copied onto the diskettes. However, your OS will read only those drivers it can recognize,
so you cannot usually check the directory of a diskette that is not formatted for your OS. Instead,
you might see a message to the effect, “disk not formatted, do you want to format it now?” Don’t
worry; the drivers for YOUR OS are on the diskette and available to load on the system.
Before starting, make sure that you have several blank high-density diskettes.
From the CD-ROM menu bar, select Create Diskettes and press <Enter>.
Follow the prompts to copy the software onto the diskettes.
When finished, from the CD-ROM menu bar, select Quit to DOS and press <Enter>.
Remove the CD from the CD-ROM drive.