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Loss of FM Audio
Loss of HD1 Audio
Loss of AES (loop-through) Audio
FM carrier loss (or a drop in level)
HD Radio Carrier Loss
Alignment Out of Range
These alarms are indicated on the front panel of the JUSTIN
808, either as individual LED indicators, or they are flashed on
the OLED display. These alarms are also assignable as rear-
panel ‘tallies.’ Also, any alarm may be independently pro-
grammed to send e-mail or text messages to selected station
False Alarm
Each of the six alarms has independent trigger and reset
thresholds, allowing almost any degree of hysteresis to be ap-
plied to any setting, whether it’s a signal level or any other
quantity. Each alarm has independent trigger and reset time
intervals as well. These two features guard against false alarms
and help ensure legitimate ones.
Keep in mind that these alarms are
not enabled
as a factory de-
fault, and even the front-panel indicators will not signal a fault
condition until that alarm has been ‘turned on,’ either through
the front panel menus or the Web interface.
The alarms will be discussed in the order that they appear,
which is common to both the front-panel menu tree and the
Web interface under
Alarms and Notifications
from the Main Menu
FM Audio Loss
This alarm signals “dead air,” not to be confused with the sta-
tion’s being “off-air.” The typical and characteristic ‘inter-
station hiss’ will generally keep this alarm from triggering
when the carrier disappears. The exception to this involves a
(squelch) feature presented under the Low Signal alarm