Troubleshooting (Continued)
R egion coding: All D VD discs are code d by th e sale s territ ory. Pl ease note th e play er
is set to regio n 2 co ding by the facto ry whi ch ca nnot b e cha nged. This i s in co mplia nce
wi th the DVD p atent requirements.
The region number for th is DVD play er is
Region cod e sett ing
Sym ptom [Video CD]
Rem edy
Thi s function wo rks only for Video CDs w ith playback
con trol.
No menu pla y.
Alternati ve audio sou ndtrack
(or subti tle) language s fail to be
selected .
An al ternative language is not se lected wi th discs w hich
do no t contain more tha n one lan guage.
In the case of s ome disc s, the alt ernative language can
not b e selecte d by oper ating the LANGUA GE or
SUBT ITLE but ton. Try s electing it from the DVD me nu if
one i s availabl e.
Th e password for rating level
has been forgo tten.
Please co ntact your lo cal sales dea ler.
A ngle cannot be changed .
Th is function is dependent on software a vailability. E ven if a
dis c has a num ber of angles recorded, th ese angles may be
re corded for sp ecific scene s only.