delayed accordingly.
The pulse oximeter does not work for people with naturally small
fingers or low peripheral blood flow. This is because the pulse
oximeter could not detect enough blood for a measurement.
Please note that prolonged use of a pulse oximeter, hypotension,
vasoconstriction, hypothermia and certain medications can lead
to low or restricted blood flow. Nail polish can also impede the
pulse oximeter from taking a reading.
Finally, it is generally accepted that the saturation percentage is
unreliable on the steep part (around 60 mm Hg) of the
oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve.
Innovative Features of the iP900AP
The iP900AP is designed to address and alleviate some of the
above problems by
1) Increasing the sensitivity of the sensor to allow user to
measure his/her SpO
levels and Pulse Rate (PR) at blood
perfusion index (PI) as low as 0.2%.