Insert directional mass air flow sensor over the
primary intake until they both have butted up against
each other.
The intake is aligned to the vibra-mount stud located
on the engine mount.
Peel the driver side bumper back and insert the top
section of the third intake into the resonator opening
as shown above.
The intake is inserted into the resonator opening and slipped into the engine
compartment with the intake bracket facing up.
The 3' step hose is pressed over the secondary
intake and two power bands are used, tighten the
power band on the intake side for now.
Align the mass air flow sensor so that the harness
connection is facing the driver side firewall. Do not
over tighten the power bands at this point.
The intake is now fully inserted into the engine compartment by way of the res-
onator opening.
The third intake is aligned and pressed into the end of the step hose. While
pressing the intake into the hose, adjust and align the intake bracket to the vibra-
mount stud.
The intake bracket is aligned to the vibra-mount stud and the m6 flange nut and
fender washer are used to fasten the intakes together.
Page 4 of Part# SP1381
Figure 26
Figure 27
Figure 28
Figure 29
Figure 30
Figure 31
Figure 32
Figure 34
Figure 35
The secondary intake is now pressed into the hose
located on the mass air flow sensor as shown above.
Figure 33