Inis Oirr MK2 Multifuel Boiler stove
The “Easy start” manual damper must be
closed once the stove is fully alight if
the heating controls are automated.
Please check the user manual for proper
operation. The heating system can be
controlled by system links, time
switches or other controls provided that
an unvalved heat sink radiator is
present and a low limit pipe stat is
fitted to the gravity return pipe to the
stove. There should always be a high
limit pipe stat fixed on the flow to the
central heating circuit set at 90
degrees centigrade to start the pump in
the event the low limit stat fails.
Initial firing pre-check
Before firing the stove for the first
time points to check for after
installation are,
Inspect the ash-pit and firebox of
the stove to ensure all the
various grate components and fire
bricks did not become dislodged
during transport and fitting.
Check that the chimney is sound
and clear.
The room has vents as described
That all the sealing joints have
had time to set properly.
That all door seals etc. are
correct and present.
That the damper is operational and
working properly.
That all installation guidelines
have been adhered to.
That all local national and
European guidelines and laws have
been followed.
Initial firing
The first fire should be quite small to
ensure prompt extinguishing of the fire
in the event of a problem. The user
manual contains details on how to start
a fire in the stove.
Issues to check for once the stove is
alight are,
1. That no fumes are being emitted into
the room,
2. That a window is open in the room to
remove fumes from the paint on the stove
being emitted. Please see the paint
curing procedures in the user manual.
3. Check that all the radiators etc. are
heating and that there is no air present
in the system.
Commissioning and
Once the initial fire and the correct
operation of the stove have been
established, the user must be instructed
on the proper operation and maintenance
of the stove.
Answer any queries or issues the user
may have and seek advice from Inis
Stoves with regard to any issue you may
not be in a position to answer.