Copyright ©2018, Infoblox, Inc.All right reserved.
Recommended System:
2 GHz (or higher) CPU with at least 1 GB of RAM available for the Infoblox GUI, and network connectivity to an Infoblox appliance
Monitor Resolution:
Minimum: 1280 x 768
Recommended: 1280 x 1024 or better
CLI Access
Secure Socket Shell (SSH) client that supports SSHv2
Terminal emulation program, such as minicom or Hilgraeve Hyperterminal®
Management System Software Requirements
Microsoft Windows 10®
Microsoft Internet Explorer® 11.x*, 10.x*
Mozilla Firefox 39.x, 37.x, 32.x, 31.x, 25.x, 21.x, 16.x, and 10.x
Google Chrome 43, 42, 41, 40, 37.x, 36.x, 30.x, 27.x, 22.x, and 16.x
Microsoft Windows 8.1 and
Microsoft Internet Explorer® 11.x*, 10.x*
Mozilla Firefox 37.x, 32.x, 31.x, 25.x, 21.x, 16.x, and 10.x
Google Chrome 41, 40, 37.x, 36.x, 30.x, 27.x, 22.x, and 16.x
Microsoft Windows 7®
Microsoft Internet Explorer® 11.x*, 10.x*, 9.x, and 8.x
Mozilla Firefox 32.x, 31.x, 25.x, 21.x, 16.x, and 10.x
Google Chrome 37.x, 36.x, 30.x, 27.x, 22.x, and 16.x
Microsoft Windows XP®
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.x and 8.x
Mozilla Firefox 32.x, 31.x, 25.x, 21.x, 16.x, and 10.x
Google Chrome 37.x, 36.x, 30.x, 27.x, 22.x, and 16.x
Red Hat® Enterprise
Linux® 7.x
Mozilla Firefox 32.x, 31.x, 25.x, 21.x, 16.x, and 10.x
Google Chrome 37.x, 36.x, 30.x, 27.x, 22.x, and 16.x
Red Hat® Enterprise
Linux® 6.x
Mozilla Firefox 32.x, 31.x, 25.x, 21.x, 16.x, and 10.x
Google Chrome 37.x, 36.x, 30.x, 27.x, 22.x, and 16.x
Red Hat® Enterprise
Linux® 5.x
Mozilla Firefox 32.x, 31.x, 25.x, 21.x, 16.x, and 10.x
Google Chrome 37.x, 36.x, 30.x, 27.x, 22.x, and 16.x
Apple® Mac OS X 10.11.x
Safari 8.x, 7.x
Mozilla Firefox 32.x, 31.x, 25.x, 21.x, 16.x, and 10.x
Google Chrome 37.x, 36.x, 30.x, 27.x, 22.x, and 16.x
Apple® Mac OS X 10.10.x
Safari 8.x, 7.x
Mozilla Firefox 32.x, 31.x, 25.x, 21.x, 16.x, and 10.x
Google Chrome 37.x, 36.x, 30.x, 27.x, 22.x, and 16.x
Apple® Mac OS X 10.9.x
Safari 7.x
Mozilla Firefox 32.x, 31.x, 25.x, 21.x, 16.x, and 10.x
Google Chrome 37.x, 36.x, 30.x, 27.x, 22.x, and 16.x