PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) via input pins up to 400 Hz: higher frequencies are possible depending
on load input voltage and duty cycle
A GND measuring bracket serves as an interface to attach GND terminals of measuring equipment
(Oscilloscope-probe). And also for other signals there are test points (TP) to connect oscilloscope
Diagnosis of the load/current feedback
Accurate feedback from the status of the load to the ADC of the microcontroller (current measurement
and fault detection)
Open load detection in output state OFF for all four PROFET
Battery voltage monitoring via µC analogue pin and voltage divider
Protection of load and driver circuit
Protection against overcurrent on the load side via diagnosis feedback
Absolute and dynamic temperature limitation with controlled reactivation
Overcurrent protection on the driver side with intelligent latch
Fault detection via IS pin
Protection against high transient voltages (ESD, ISO pulses)
Low conducted emission
Undervoltage protection
Demo-code available on GitHub (
+2 12V
Block diagram
below depicts the block diagram of the PROFET
+2 Arduino Shield. The DEN pin of the devices
U1+U3 and U2+U4 have been connected and this is illustrated within the block diagram by the green lines. The
IS pin is routed once to GND via the RISx and once to µC via the RSENSEx. The IS pin of U1+U2 and the U3+U4
was connected and this is shown by the orange lines. Therefore it is only possible to use U1+U3 or U2+U4 at the
same time to get a correct feedback at the IS pin. For more detailed explanations, see the schematic at the end
of the user manual in the appendix.
+2 12V Arduino Shield
1 Introduction
User Manual
Rev. 1.00