Delta Treatment Systems • 9125 Comar Drive, Walker, LA 70785 • 1-800-219-9183 •
Don’t flush dangerous or damaging substances into
your system.
• Pharmaceuticals
• Excessive Amounts of Bath or Body Oils
• Water Softener Backwash
• Flammable or Toxic Products
• Household Cleaners
• Chlorine Bleach, Chlorides, and Pool/Spa
• Pesticides, Herbicides, Agricultural Chemicals, or
• Eggshells, Cantaloupe Seeds, Gum, Coffee
Grounds, or Tea Bags
• Chewing Tobacco or Cigarette Butts
• Condoms, Dental Floss, Sanitary Napkins or
Tampons, Diapers
• Paper Towels, Newspapers, Candy Wrappers
• Large Amounts of Hair
• Baby, Medicated, or Cleaning Wipes (even those
that claim to be “flushable” on the packaging)
Don’t plumb water softener discharge brine into
your wastewater system (softened water is ok, just
not the brine that is produced during the regeneration
cycle). Route the brine around your wastewater
system so it discharges directly into the soil.
Don’t use special additives that are marketed
to enhance the performance of your system.
Additives can cause damage in other areas of
the collection system by disrupting the natural
microorganisms that are currently growing within the
Don’t leave interior faucets on to protect water
lines during cold weather. A single running faucet
can easily increase your daily flow up to 3,000 gallons
per day and hydraulically overload your system.
Properly insulate or heat your faucets and plumbing
in preparation for winter months.
Don’t ignore leaky plumbing fixtures. A leaky toilet
can waste up to 2,000 gallons (7,500 liters) of water per
single day, 10-20 times more water than an average
household’s daily use. Leaky plumbing fixtures
increases your water bill, wastes natural resources and
causes unnecessary overload on your system.
• Keep the tank’s access lid secure at all times. Never
open or attempt to enter the tank. Gasses present
within the tank can be fatal. If you find the lid has
become loose contact your service provider or
Delta Treatment Systems.
• Plan landscaping and permanent outdoor structures
before installation of the system.
• Never drive over any buried components of the
system. If your system is in an area that could
potentially be subject to any vehicular traffic place a
barricade like a row of shrubs around it.
• Don’t dump waste from your RV. This will not only
cause an increase to the frequency of septage
pumping but, when dumped directly into the
pumping vault, RV waste clogs or fouls equipment
causing unnecessary maintenance and repair costs.
Additionally, some RV waste may contain chemicals
that are toxic or may have a negative impact to the
biological digestion occurring within the tank.
• Don’t connect rain gutters or storm drains to the
system or allow any surface water to enter it.
• Don’t discharge hot tub water into your system.
• Don’t dig without knowing the location of your
wastewater system components.
Wastewater Treatment System
Inside the Home
Wastewater Treatment System Do’s and Don’ts: Outside the Home