Introd uction
Cong ratulations on your p urchase of a ne w INDIAN
motorcycle . You have joine d an e lite family of motorcycle
r id e rs who have acq uire d a ce le b rate d p ie ce of Ame r ican
histor y b y choosing to own an INDIAN motorcycle .
Your ne w motorcycle is the e nd re sult of tr ue d e d ication and
craftsmanship b y our e ng ine e r ing, d e sig n and asse mb ly
te ams. It was d e sig ne d and manufacture d to me e t our g oal
of p rovid ing you with a hig h q uality motorcycle that you can
r id e troub le -fre e for many ye ars to come . We hop e you will
take as much p r id e in r id ing your ne w motorcycle as our
te am d id in b uild ing it for you.
We urg e you to re ad this r id e r’s manual thoroug hly. It
contains information e sse ntial to safe r id ing and p rop e r
mainte nance of your motorcycle .
Your author ize d INDIAN MOTORCYCLE d e ale r knows your
motorcycle b e st and should b e consulte d for se r vice and
assistance . Skille d te chnicians using ad vance d e q uip me nt
and me thod s are b e st q ualifie d to p e rform all major re p airs
and se r vice your motorcycle may re q uire .
INDIAN motorcycle s comp ly with all fe d e ral, state and local
safe ty and e mission re g ulations for the are a of inte nd e d
sale .
Se rvic e and Warranty Inform ation
Some p roce d ure s are b eyond the scop e of this manual. Se e
your d e ale r to p urchase an
. Some p roce d ure s p rovid e d in the se r vice manual
re q uire sp e cialize d knowle d g e , e q uip me nt, and training. Be
sure you have the re q uire d te chnical skills and tools that are
ne e d e d b e fore you atte mp t ANY se r vice on your
motorcycle . Ple ase contact your author ize d d e ale r b e fore
atte mp ting any se r vice work that is b eyond your leve l of
te chnical knowle d g e or e xp e r ie nce , or if the work re q uire s
sp e cialize d e q uip me nt.
Ope rating Your Motorc yc le Outs ide the U. S.A.
If you p lan to op e rate your motorcycle in countr ie s othe r
than the USA and Canad a:
• Se r vice facilitie s or re p lace me nt p ar ts may not b e re ad ily
availab le .
• Unle ad e d g asoline may not b e availab le . The use of
le ad e d fue ls will cause e ng ine d amag e , d amag e to your
e missions syste ms and void ing of your warranty.
• Gasoline may have a consid e rab ly lowe r octane rating.
Imp rop e r fue l can cause e ng ine d amag e .
Summary of Contents for Scout 2015
Page 1: ...2015 Rider s M ual ...
Page 3: ...1 2015 Rider s Manual Indian Scout ...
Page 21: ...19 Com ponent Identification 19 18 13 9 15 7 14 17 4 16 20 ...
Page 117: ...115 Maintenance Log Maintenance Performed Miles Km Notes Performed by ...
Page 118: ...116 Maintenance Log Maintenance Performed Miles Km Notes Performed by ...