Pre -Rid e Ins p e ctions
To ke e p your motorcycle in safe op e rating cond ition, always
p e rform the re comme nd e d p re -r id e insp e ctions b e fore
e ach r id e . This is e sp e cially imp or tant b e fore making a long
tr ip and whe n re moving the motorcycle from storag e .
Failure to pe rform the re com m e nd e d p re -ride
insp e ctions could re sult in com p one nt failure while rid ing, which
could re sult in se rious injury or d e ath. Always p e rform the p re -rid e
insp e ctions b e fore e ach rid e . W he n insp e ction reve als the ne e d for
ad justm e nt, rep lace m e nt or rep air, p e rform the se rvice p rom p tly, or
se e your authorize d INDIAN MOTORCYCLE d e ale r for se rvice .
Re ad the e ntire Instrum e nts, Fe ature s and Controls
se ction of this m anual b e fore rid ing your m otorcycle . A com p le te
und e rstand ing of the fe ature s and cap ab ilitie s of your m otorcycle is
e sse ntial to its safe op e ration. Anything le ss m ay re sult in se rious
injury or d e ath.
You must b e familiar with all instr ume nts and controls to
p e rform the p re -r id e insp e ctions.
During the p re -rid e insp e ctions you m ay use p rod ucts that are
p ote ntially hazard ous, such as oil or b rake fluid . W he n using
any of the se p rod ucts, always follow the instructions and
warning s on the p rod uct p ackag ing.
Whe n insp e ctions reve al the ne e d for ad justme nt,
re p lace me nt or re p air:
• re fe r to the mainte nance se ction of this manual (p ag e 53)
• re fe r to the
• or se e your author ize d INDIAN MOTORCYCLE d e ale r
Summary of Contents for Scout 2015
Page 1: ...2015 Rider s M ual ...
Page 3: ...1 2015 Rider s Manual Indian Scout ...
Page 21: ...19 Com ponent Identification 19 18 13 9 15 7 14 17 4 16 20 ...
Page 117: ...115 Maintenance Log Maintenance Performed Miles Km Notes Performed by ...
Page 118: ...116 Maintenance Log Maintenance Performed Miles Km Notes Performed by ...