page 9
4.5 Start Pressure Setting
Start pressure will now be displayed.
The Cursor will be flashing under the first digit of the START PRESSURE
setting. Simply type in the appropriate pressure you want the Pump to restart
at once it has gone to sleep, example 375kPa Press 3, press 7, press 5 &
then press Return Arrow button.
Press the RIGHT ARROW Button to move onto the next Page.
4.6 Pump Stop Minimum Speed Setting
Pump Stop Minimum Speed will now be displayed.
The Cursor will be flashing under the first digit of the PUMP STOP MINIMUM
SPEED setting. The pump stop minimum speed is the speed at which the
standby pump is turned off after the duty pump has reached the pump stop
minimum speed plus a short time delay.
This set point is critical to be set
correctly so as to prevent short cycling.
To set the Pump stop Min Speed you must first operate 1-off pump in
manual with a closed discharge to find out the pump speed required to
maintain set point pressure. Add 2% to ensure the system will get to the
setpoint. This speed value is then entered.
Example say 67%. Press 6,
press 7, the Return arrow button to accept.
Press the RIGHT ARROW Button to move onto the next Page.
4.7 Sleep Shutdown Time Setting
Sleep Shutdown Time will now be displayed.
The Cursor will be flashing under the first digit of the SLEEP SHUTDOWN
TIME setting. Simply type in the appropriate time value in minutes & seconds
you want the duty pump to run on for before going to sleep, example
20seconds Press 0, press 0, press 2, press 0 & then press Return Arrow
Press the RIGHT ARROW Button to move onto the next Page.
4.8 Standby Start Time Setting
Standby Start Time will now be displayed.
The Cursor will be flashing under the first digit of the STANDBY START TIME
setting. Simply type in the appropriate time value in minutes & seconds you
want the standby pump to be delayed from starting once the Standby Start
Speed has been reached, example 20seconds Press 0, press 0, press 2,
press 0 & then press Return Arrow button.
Press the RIGHT ARROW Button to move onto the next Page.