page 7
3.0 Start up
3.1 Notes on Value Entry
When entering a numeric value, the cursor can be backspaced to correct
mistakes by pressing the LEFT ARROW button.
Decimal points can only be entered on entries with decimal points in the
display line. The decimal point is entered by pressing the +/- . down arrow key
on the bottom of the blue buttons.
You can only enter a value of as many digits as is displayed on the screen.
Example an input that displays 3 digits can only have 3 digit entered.
3.2 Power Up Display
On power up the screen will display the main page including the system
pressure, & Pump motor speeds in %.
3.3 Screen Display Layout
The screen displays two lines of information
The top line displays the live discharge pressure in kPa.
The bottom line displays each Pump motor speed in %. (P1S for Pump 1 &
P2S for Pump 2)