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2.0 Installation
Note: If any damage to control panel if found, please notify Inca Control
Pty Ltd as soon as possible prior to installation.
The control panel can be wall mounted separately from the pumping unit;
distance is governed by the cable sizing to the motor.
It is recommended that the control panel is within view of the pumping unit for
safety reasons. If not in view lockable isolating switches must be installed at
the pump motors.
2.1 Mechanical Installation
Mount the control panel via the mounting holes in each corner at the back of
the enclosure using minimum 6mm screws, nuts & locking washers, or
masonry anchors.
Install in a dry well ventilated location that matches with environmental
specification in 1.2 above.
2.2 Sensor Installation
Locate the pressure transducer in the discharge pipe work as close as
practical to the control panel.
2.3 Electrical Installation
Note: All cable entries must enter via the bottom of the cabinet. If cables
are entered via the roof Inca Control Pty Ltd reserve the right to
withdraw warranty because of the possibility of shaving entering
sensitive electronic equipment.
Transducer wiring
The pressure transducer must be wired in 1 pair overall screened data cable.
This type of cable provides the most protection against electrical noise &
allows a more accurate outcome.
Connect to the sensor as per data supplied by the sensor supplier
At the control panel connect the positive lead to terminal No10 & the return
signal to terminal No12.
The screen must be solidly earthed, with a saddle clamp providing the best
screening earth.
Float switch wiring
The float switch is wired in the cable supplied with switch. The cable to be
connected must close the circuit when water in the suction tank falls
Connect the float switch as per data supplied by the float switch supplier
At the control panel connect the float switch lead to terminal No10 & terminal