Follow these steps to use ScreenPort SDI+ connected via USB cable to iOS device or Mac:
1. Install ScreenPort or QTAKE Monitor application on your iOS device.
2. Connect power source to ScreenPort SDI+ device using USB-C power connector or insert
charged battery into designated slot.
3. Power on ScreenPort SDI+ device using the power switch (status LED will turn white).
Power up sequence takes around 20 seconds.
4. Connect SDI output of the camera to SDI input of the ScreenPort SDI+ using SDI cable
(status LED will turn green if the valid signal is detected).
5. Connect USB-C data port of the ScreenPort SDI+ to your iOS device using data cable.
6. “Trust This Computer?” dialog will appear on your iOS device. Click the “Trust” button.
ScreenPort SDI+ offers multiple ways to connect to a host device.
Connecting ScreenPort USB data port to your host device provides the connection with the highest
bandwidth. This means you can use the best visual quality without worrying your data connection
will drop frames. Downside of the USB interface is the limitation to a single device.
If you need to connect multiple ScreenPort devices to multiple host devices, ethernet interface is
the solution. When connected to your network with an ethernet cable, signal from each ScreenPort
SDI+ will be available to any device connected to the same network.
Similar to ethernet, Wi-Fi interface is used to connect to your network, but this time wirelessly.
This is the most practical way to stream from ScreenPort SDI+ to monitoring devices. However, it is
also the most fragile way to connect, because data packets can be easily dropped due to lower
signal quality or interference.
Access Point Mode transforms how you can use your ScreenPort device. Instead of relying on
existing Wi-Fi infrastructure, ScreenPort can create its own Wi-Fi network with support for up to 8
wireless clients. This mode requires firmware 2.54 or higher and ScreenPort app 1.6 or higher.
New devices ship with Access Point Mode enabled by default. To enable Access Point Mode on your
existing ScreenPort device, open the ScreenPort app and tap SETUP, then tap Network and set
Access Point to ON.
When you need to connect to an on-set Wi-Fi network, set Wi-Fi to ON instead. This will
automatically turn Access Point off, but your settings will be retained for future use.
July 30, 2021