STV50 ed 09/08
VICTRIX 50 Rev. 002
The boiler leaves the factory with the operating parameters
already set.
To adapt the boiler to your particular needs these operating
parameters can be altered as follows:
- press the MODE key once to gain access to the parameters
- with the STEP key choose the parameter you wish to mo-
- change the value with the + and - keys;
- press the STORE key to store the new value;
- press MODE to render the new value effective.
Here you may alter the preset operating values.
The first two digits indicate the parameter number, the last
two give the setting value.
Programming and setting the VICTRIX 50 parameters.
Access code:
To alter the parameters reserved to the technician the access
has to be entered.
To enter this code:
- when there is no functioning requests, press the keys MODE
and STEP simultaneously for 2 seconds, the word CODE
appears on the display followed by a random number on the
last two digits;
- change the value as wanted with the + and - keys until you
reach code “54”;
- press the STORE key to confirm.
Possible settings for the Technician and User (without entering an access code)
Bottom limit value
Top limit value
Factory value
Domestic hot water set-point value
20 °C
70 °C
20 °C
Domestic hot water functioning mode
0 = excluded
1 = active
2 = ex continuous pump
3 = continuous pump
Central heating functioning mode
0 = excluded
1 = active
2 = ex continuous pump
3 = continuous pump
Maximum central heating flow tempera-
20 °C
85 °C
85 °C
Technical Documentation
Technical Documentation