STV50 ed 09/08
VICTRIX 50 Rev. 002
Inside the kit you will find:
No. 1 - 80 Ø 90° curve (1)
No. 1 - 80 Ø exhaust end piece (2)
No.1 - Internal washer (3)
No.1 - External washer (4)
Inside the kit you will find:
No. 1 - 80 Ø 90° curve (1)
No. 1 - 80 Ø exhaust pipe (2)
No.1 - Internal washer (3)
80 Ø horizontal kit with wall discharge.
A 90° curve (1) is used for connecting to the boiler that can be
turned in any direction and which, using the necessary extensions,
is connected to the relative exhaust end piece (2) made of PPS.
The maximum permitted length beyond the first curve (2) is
straight horizontal metres.
80 Ø horizontal kit with flue discharge.
A 90° curve (1) is used for connecting to the boiler that can be
turned in any direction and which, using the necessary extensions,
is connected to the relative exhaust pipe (2) made of PPS.
The maximum permitted length beyond the first curve (2) is
straight horizontal metres.
80 flexible ducting system.
With this kit it is possible to duct 80 Ø pipes of existing
flues/stacks/technical slots
to be used with one Immergas
condensation boiler only.
It is connected to the boiler’s exhaust pipe with an 87° curve
(4) that, with the necessary vertical extensions (3), is connected
to the relative exhaust end piece (1).
Remember to insert some finned spacers (2) which helps centre
the exhaust pipe inside the old stack.
The system can be inspected through the hatch (5) on the
opening that connects to the boiler’s flue extracting pipe.
The maximum permitted length is
30 straight vertical me-
Technical Documentation
Technical Documentation