Installing the device .......................................................5
1.1 Description of the device. ...................................................... 5
1.2 Installation recommendations. ............................................. 5
1.3 Main dimensions. ................................................................... 6
1.4 Hydraulic connection. ........................................................... 7
1.5 Electrical connection. ........................................................... 7
1.6 Installation layouts. ................................................................ 8
1.7 Commissioning the device. ................................................. 10
1.8 Circulation pump. ................................................................ 10
1.9 Sizing the systems. ................................................................ 11
1.10 Kits available on request. ..................................................... 11
1.11 Main components. ................................................................ 13
Use and maintenance instructions ...............................15
2.1 General warnings. ................................................................ 15
2.2 Warnings for the user. .......................................................... 15
2.3 Cleaning the case. ................................................................. 15
Checks and maintenance ..............................................16
3.1 Schema elettrico DIM 2 zone ErP. ...................................... 16
3.2 Wiring diagram DIM 3 zone ErP. ....................................... 18
3.3 DIM A-BT ErP Wiring diagram. ........................................ 20
3.4 DIM A-2BT ErP Wiring diagram. ...................................... 22
3.5 DIM ERP connection to boiler via DIM BUS. ................. 24
3.6 DIM ERP connection to boiler via zone signal state. ...... 25
3.7 DIM ERP connections to ON/OFF room thermostats. .. 27
3.8 DIM ERP connection to ON-OFF room thermostats
with shared zones. ................................................................ 28
3.9 DIM ERP connections to room thermostats and
on boilers other than Victrix Superior (2021) .. 30
3.10 DIM ERP connections to room thermostats and
on boilers other than Victrix Superior (2021) .. 31
3.11 Victrix Superior 2021 - DIM ERP connection with
thermostats and dominus. ................................................... 32
3.12 Victrix Superior 2021 - DIM ERP connection with
wireless probes and dominus .............................................. 33
3.13 Victrix Superior 2021 - DIM ERP connection with
and wireless probes ............................................... 34
3.14 Connection between 2 DIM ERP with hydraulics in
parallel. ................................................................................... 35
3.15 DIM ERP connection to another DIM ERP or to
Hercules zone kit with hydraulics in series. ...................... 38
3.16 Description of main functions. ........................................... 39
3.17 Zone management P.C.B. .................................................... 40
3.18 Mixed zone flow temperature adjustment......................... 41
3.19 External temperature probe (Optional). ........................... 41
3.20 Troubleshooting. ................................................................... 43
Technical data ...............................................................44