To start the measurement of the material press the
button „Measurement“
. To improve the accuracy,
four measurements will be taken.
The individual values are averaged. The duration of
a measurement takes around 20 seconds. After each
measurement the signal runtime will be displayed for a
short period.
Ensure that the probe rods are totaly covered with the material during the time of the measurement and that
the probe is not moved.
If you choose “SAVE” at the end of calibration, the stored calibration in the probe electronics will be overwritten!
The original calibrations can be restored by connecting the probe with a RS485 adapter (for example SM-USB)
to a PC and to use the software PICO-Config.
Finally, you can store the calibration into the choosen
calibration storage inside the probe. Choose „SAVE“ and
confirm by pressing the button „Measurement“
If you choose “DISCARD” everything is left untouched.
To name of the changed calibration, is the original with
the prefix „OWN:“.
1.7.2 2 Point Calibration
During the 2-point material calibration, two material samples with different moisture values are measured.
From these measurements, a linear equation (f(x) = mx + b) is calculated. This linear equation delivers very good
measurement results especially in lower moisture values.
To perform a 2-point material calibration you need two material samples with different moisture values. You
have to determine the moisture of these materials using another method before starting the calibration. The
given sequence, first to measure the lower moisture point and second to measure the higher moisture point
must be strictly followed.