28/11/02-\\SERVER\TECNICO\-SNZ\0Sit\hVtf500shie.doc-Scheda Identificazione Codice Padre (mac.sott.etc...)-
33 di 62 pagine.
63 UA
16.1 - The manufacturer grants that this product has been strongly controlled and that there are no defects in
the used and working materials for a period of 12 months from the date of the delivery note.
If the user points out some defects to the manufacturer during the warranty time, the manufacturer will
replace the components that are considered defected.
In case of reparation of the machine during the warranty time the shipment will be accepted only if
the delivery is Free Destiny (that is the freight costs are supported by the owner of the machine), and
the return of the machine to the customer is considered EX WORKS.
If the manufaturer is not able to remplace a component within an acceptable time, both companies
(manufacturer and user) will reach an agreement for satisfying completely the needs of the user.
The a.m. warranty is not valid in case of accidental damages, or defects provoked by a wrong use of
the machine or maintenance, by variations made on the machine, or by the use of the machine in a
place not corresponding to the indicated enviromental specifications.
16.2 - The manufacturer does not offer further warranties, written or spoken, explicit or implicit of its products
and does not offer implicit warranties on saleability or adequacy for particular uses not foreseen by the
The a.m. limitations and exclusions can also be not applicable in Countries, where there are no implicit limits
of warranty time on the products. Anyway each implicit warranty is limited to a time of 12 months from the
date of the delivery note.
16.3 - The date of manufacture, deducible from the serial number placed on the machine, is a very
necessary reference for the warranty, for the assistance after-sale and for the identification of the product.
Each tampering on the products, expecially the installation of safety devices, will relieve the manufacturer of
any kind of responsability.
The parts most subject to rapid and continuous wear are not included in the warranty (for example:
transmission belts, gaskets, oils, blades, and so on).
For the electrical, electronic and hydraulic equipments and for the other equipments having its own
individuality (of which there is the possibility to know the name of the constructor), the manufacturer gives to
the user the same warranty received by the primary constructor of these parts.
16.4 - The components replaced during the assistance operated by the manufacturer have a
warranty of 6
from the installation date indicated on the Technical Service paper, one copy of which is given to
the owner.