28/11/02-\\SERVER\TECNICO\-SNZ\0Sit\hVtf500shie.doc-Scheda Identificazione Codice Padre (mac.sott.etc...)-
10 di 62 pagine.
63 ISA
In this paragraph we recommend the type of cutting band in accordance with the material to use . To get the
best performance from this machine it is necessary to undestand the right use and the limits of the used
tools .
The band to use must have the following sizes ( in mm. ) :
maximum lenght = 4150
minimum lenght = 4115
total height
= 32 ( or 1 inch and 1/4 " )
thickness = 1,10
It is also important the band material , it is usually used the bi-metal band type in the different endurance
quality .
The standard types are named M2, M48, M42, M51.
The endurance of the teeth increases , and also the fragility, when going from the material M2 to M51.
For making a right cut it is also necessary to choose the pitch ( t ) or the number of the teeth per inch (z).
Usually the band must have the toothing as follows :
- close toothing - to cut thin materials, tubular and profiles.
- thin toothing- to cut solid materials or pieces that need a long band ( for example . the central part of a
profile " U " ), or softer materials as aluminium, copper, soft bronze.
By choosing the right one you can avoid a lot of working errors and you can get a good band penetration
and the necessary space for the chips.
If you cut some pieces at the same time, you must consider them as only one piece by considering the
global size.
The included table supply you the informations for a right choice, the same one can also be updated or
changed by the user according to his personal experiences.
Even if there are toothings with constant pitch , the most of the band sawing machines allow the use of band
with variable pitch toothing - groups of teeth with different pitch between them- that reduce vibrations and
noice, by getting better the finishing and the capacity of removal . This is the reason for which we give you
only the data concerning this kind of toothing..