28/11/02-\\SERVER\TECNICO\-SNZ\0Sit\hVtf500shie.doc-Scheda Identificazione Codice Padre (mac.sott.etc...)-
31 di 62 pagine.
63 PA- VTF 500
The decibel pointed out in the workplace in the conditions under described is appointed to the simoultaneous
working of some machine parts in motion ( it depends on the detailed cycle ) added to that one of the tool
when is cutting the workpiece.
In several moments the decibel are pointed out to note the different using conditions.
The phon-meter is placed at about 1 meter near the machine and at about 1,60 m from the floor.
The results of each test is in dBA and they mean the average of 3 tests made from the : left side, opposite
side, right side.
For any machines the using conditions are the following :
By idling, at the maximum rotation speed with the maximum shown diameter tool assembled :dBA 63
During the cut: made with steel solid material : dBA 75
If the machine is semiautomatic or automatic the saw frame is moved by the motion control unit. ( the
measuring is = + - 2dB ).
In the standard production the test is made by a same machine of above mentioned one, in compliance with
E.C. safety norms 89/392 and 86/188 .
The use of the machine in bad conditions or the use of the wrong tools cause also sensitive alterations of
these tests and it is prejudicial for the health of the staff and for the good results of the work .
Most of all the noice depends on the cutting material, on its sizes and on the locking system.
By expecting that above mentioned decibels could be exceeded, we recommend the operator the using of
the personal means of protection ( head phones, plugs ) in case of working a long time at highest levels.
This type of machine, manually controlled by an operator during all the work phases, must respond to further
health and safety requirements as specified by article 2.2 of the Annexed I of the European Directive 89/392
and following.
In particular, the level of vibrations emitted by the machine while in use must be clearly specified in the
This machine does not emit vibrations of a level higher than 2.5 m/s2
The measurement procedure used conforms to the general norms applied to this type of machine.
As in the preceding paragraph, using
the machine in unsuitable conditions or using the wrong tools
can cause changes affecting this value, endangering the health of the work force as well as the
quality of production.
Vibrations emitted during cutting may be amplified by the material, by its dimensions and its
positioning/clamping in the vice.