© 2016 imc Meßsysteme GmbH
imc CANSAS - Getting Started, Doc. Rev. 2.0 R1 - 2016-05-24
The next dialog is for selecting program components to install. The imc CANSAS Program files must be
retained as active since they are essential for configuring imc CANSAS.
The component Report Export formats only needs to be installed if a imc CANSAS report on module
configurations is to be saved in an extraneous format, such as in the form of an Excel file.
COM user
interface offers access to all functions when using a created program, e.g. by Visual Basic
or C++. If you are going to develop your own programs, you should select COM developer. This option
comes with an online-help and examples. To develop using
select the option
™ Vis.
Installation of imc CANSAS does not serve to change a previous installation in terms of simply
exchanging selected components. Instead, installation is carried out from scratch, completely. It is
recommended to completely uninstall any previously present imc CANSAS software, particularly
older versions, before installing new software! However, before uninstalling old software, any
user's data stored in the program folder should be saved to other memory space or they will be
lost. Such data are located in database files, for instance, under the name Imcan.mdb.