Installation and Operation Manual
© 2016 Imagine Communications Corp. Proprietary and Confidential.
Revision D | Page 58
Figure 20:
RGB and YCbCr Zoom 0 mV Graticule
Figure 21:
RGB and YCbCr Zoom 700 mV Graticule
Waveform Front Panel Selections
The following buttons directly affect the waveform display.
Moving the Waveform
To move the Waveform display relative to the graticule, select the POS button, and then use the Left
and Right arrow knob (for horizontal movement) and the Up and Down arrow knob (for vertical
movement). Press each knob to return to the default position.
To move the waveform in the particular direction, scroll the Left/Right (horizontal direction) or
Up/Down (vertical direction) arrow knob.
Centering the Waveform
To center the waveform, press the Left/Right or Up/Down arrow knobs.