Installation and Operation Manual
General Information
© 2016 Imagine Communications Corp. Proprietary and Confidential.
Revision D | Page 53
Recalling a Captured Display
To recall a captured frame, while the captured frame is shown, press the RECALL button.
This recalls the captured frame from internal memory via the File Navigator dialog box. For more
information on the File Navigator dialog box, see File Navigator (on page 123).
Clearing a Captured Display
To clear a frozen frame, while the captured frame is shown, press the CLEAR button.
Once the frozen frame is cleared, a new frame capture can be performed.
Capturing Display Data
The CMN-91 can hold frame-captured information in internal memory. The SDI button is high tally when
a capture is performed or recalled.
To capture display data, press the SDI button.
The SDI button is high tally when information is captured. Only one captured data can be cached in the
unit at a time. The data remains cached until the data is cleared.
The SDI capture is used for detailed study of one frame of the incoming video signal. The following
displays can be examined when a SDI capture is displayed; waveform, picture, vector, gamut and alarms.
All menu items affecting the listed displays can be manipulated while a SDI capture is displayed. Video
alarms limits can be adjusted with the results visible in the alarm pane.
The information in the Audio and Timing Displays should not be used when captured SDI data is
To toggle between displaying the captured data and the live data, make sure the data is frozen and the
SDI button is high tally, and then press the SDI button.
When selecting a different function, the SDI button will change according to the current configuration of
that frame (that is, if the captured data in the cache is displayed or not displayed). When returning to a
function that already contains and displays the cached captured data, the SDI button reaches a high tally
To deselect SDI, press the SDI or the CLEAR button.