Image Vault
PRO Command
3.14 USB Storage Devices
USB ports may be used to connect external storage devices such as thumb drives or external hard drives. These devices may be used
to copy video or confi guration settings from the DVR, or to load settings or updates onto the DVR. Most thumb drives and external
hard drives up to 2 TB are supported, however, Image Vault does not guarantee any specifi c brands or models. USB ports are available
on the front and rear of the DVR.
3.15 Remote Playback PC to DVR Communication
A remote playback PC is a computer running the Image Vault PRO Command playback software application. This software application
allows your PC to make a remote connection to your PRO Command DVR. Remote connection methods include modem and network.
Peer-to-Peer Network Connection
Connect a network crossover cable to the RJ45 input on the DVR. Connect the other end directly to the remote PC. If the DVR is not be-
ing set up on a network, you may connect this cable to the DVR and leave the other end available to the user for a later connection.
CAT-5 Crossover Cable
Local Area Network (LAN) Connection
Connect the DVR to a conventional Ethernet network using standard, commercially available CAT-5 network cables. Do not use a net-
work crossover cable when connecting your DVR to a LAN hub/switch. Contact the Network Administrator before connecting the DVR
to any existing network. Some software setup on the DVR is required before it may be connected to an existing network. If you want to
off er internet access via your network, you must open your Network Firewall Port 32001. The default DVR IP address is and
the default host name is based on the serial number. For additional software setup information refer to the software help system and
your software manual.
Other Network Devices