TM70Bi V3.2 (11/02)
1121174 L0.pdf
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Connect the power supply and the receiver outputs on the corresponding relay board plug-in terminals. Do this
following the outputs diagram, which is supplied with the set. This diagram indicates the correspondence
between the transmitter commands and the receiver outputs.
The STOP relays KSTOP1 and KSTOP2 are in series and must be connected to the main contactor coil
The K2/START is activated once the start-up command is held down.
The K1/SAFETY relay is a safety relay, which is activated when certain commands predefined as “active” on
configuration of the set, (i.e. commands which give rise to manoeuvres), are activated.
Figure 4. Receiver’s electronic card
Remember to connect the ground cable.
Only use fireproof cables for connections.
Select the appropriate voltage on the receiver, (230, 115 or 48 Vac – 12 OR 14 Vdc)