Web Interface guide HTI-404 Reboot and reset
The user can reboot a specific module. To do this, you must push
button of that module.
On the other hand, if you just want to load the default settings of the module, just as it comes from the
factory, you must use
button. If you want to load the default settings of a specific module, push
button of that module. However, if you want to load the default settings on all modules of the
headend, you can do it pushing
button associated with the Base.
In both cases, a warning message indicating that the module will return to its default settings will be
displayed. Press
if you understand the consequences of this action and you agree.
NOTE: In the case of resetting the master module, slave devices will be unegistered.
4.1.2 General configuration
This menu displays several tabs that allow to set global parameters of the headend. To access this menu,
go to Headend
General Configuration. A window as the following one will open: Site identification
Select the Site Identification tab. In this screen you can introduce information about the headend to distin-
guish this particular headend with respect to others. This information will appear in the installation report.
Introduce the headend name (or ID) and the facility location (free text). You can also specify the date on
which the installation was performed. Push
button to save the data. Password
To change the password of the headend, select the Password tab.