4 Introduction
iRig Pads is a pad-based MIDI controller that works with both MAC/PC and iOS. It supports Standards MIDI on
PC and CoreMIDI on OSX and iOS.
The controller has 16 illuminated and velocity sensitive rubber pads, one endless encoder with pushbutton,
two knobs, two buttons and one slider. All these controls are assignable to MIDI Notes, MIDI CCs and Program
Change as explained in section “10 Edit Mode” in this manual.
In addition iRig Pads has a PEDAL input (TRS) that allow you to connect either a sustain or expression pedal.
The whole configuration of the unit is stored in 16 “Scenes” that you can recall by pressing the SCENE button
as explained in section “8 Scene Editing” in this manual.
iRig Pads sends MIDI data as MIDI Notes as ON and OFF and Control Changes to the host, and it can also
receive MIDI data from the host to light up the pads (section “11 External iRig Pads MIDI Control”). This way any
application that’s MIDI compatible can provide visual feedback via the illuminated pads.
Each pad is illuminated by a dual color RED/GREEN LED, so the pads backlight can be off, green, red or a mix
of these colors.
4.1 Operating Mode
iRig Pads can operate in two modes:
• Externally Controlled
• User/Programmable
When used in “Externally Controlled” mode iRig Pads is fully controlled by the host Software/App, and all the
functionality will be set by the Software/App.
The following pages are focused on the User/Programmable mode.