10 Edit Mode
Most settings of iRig Pads can be modified and stored in SCENES.
Settings that can be personalized and set are:
- Global transmit MIDI Channel
- Pads Velocity Sensitivity
- Shift Octaves for pads Notes messages
- Transmit a MIDI PC
- Notes, CC and MIDI CH assigned to pads
- Notes, CC, MIDI CH and PC assigned to Pushbuttons
- CC and MIDI CH assigned to Rotary Knobs
- CC and MIDI CH assigned to Slider
- CC, MIDI CH and PC assigned to DATA encoder
- Notes, CC, MIDI CH and PC assigned to the DATA encoder pushbutton
- Notes, CC, MIDI CH and PC assigned to the Footswitch Pedal
- Notes, CC, MICI CH and PC assigned to the Expression Pedal
To enter in EDIT mode:
Enter EDIT MODE by pressing both SCENE and FIX LEVEL buttons.
These pads illuminate:
• 1 (GREEN, ORANGE if soft velocity is selected)
• 2 (GREED, ORANGE if norm velocity is selected)
• 3 (GREEN, ORANGE if hard velocity is selected)
• 11 (GREEN, ORANGE if an active octave down shift is present)
• 12 (GREEN, ORANGE if an active octave up shift is present)
• 13 (RED)
• 14 (RED)
• 15 (RED)
At this point the operations for editing various parameters and controls are different depending on what you
need to set.
To exit from EDIT mode at any time press SCENE or FIX VEL button.
At the end of the EDIT procedure press pad 16 (ENTER) to confirm the editing. ENTER will quickly flash RED to
confirm the edit has been done and that it is valid.