10.2.17 Assign Note to the DATA Pushbutton
To assign a Note message to the DATA pushbutton:
• Enter EDIT mode.
• Press the DATA pushbutton.
• Pads 9, 10, 14 and 15 will illuminate RED
• Press pad 9 to assign a Note.
• Pads 5 (temp) and 6 (toggle) will illuminate RED.
• Press pad 5 or 6 depending if you want the note behavior to be temporary (temp) or latched (toggle).
Selected mode will quickly flash to confirm the selection.
• Press PADS 1 (C), 2 (C#), 3 (D), 5 (D#), 6 (E), 7 (F), 8 (F#), 9 (G), 10 (G#), 13 (A), 14 (A#), 15 (B) (they will all
illuminated RED) to select the note you want to associate with the selected PAD. Every time the PADS are
pressed they flash GREEN and they actually transmit the relative MIDI note.
• Press pads 11 and 12 (Oct down/up) to change the octave for last note selected. Also here the note is
actually sent again when the Oct buttons are pressed and the octave is shifted.
• When done press pad 16 (ENTER) to confirm the selection and exit the EDIT mode.
10.2.18 Assign MIDI CH to the DATA Pushbutton
To assign a MIDI CH to the DATA pushbutton:
• Enter EDIT mode.
• Press the DATA pushbutton.
• Pads 9, 10, 14 and 15 will illuminate.
• Press pad 14 (MIDI CH).
• All pads between 1 and 9 will light up GREEN.
• Compose the MIDI CH number using the 1-10 pads (10 means 0). At each press the pads will flash RED. In
case a wrong value is inserted EDIT pushbuttons will flash.
• Press pad 16 (ENTER) to confirm the selection and exit the EDIT mode.
10.2.19 Assign CC to the Footswitch Pedal
To assign a CC message to the footswitch pedal:
• Enter EDIT mode.
• Press the footswitch.
• Pads 9, 10, 14 and 15 will illuminate RED.
• Press pad 10 to assign a CC.
• Pads 5 (temp) and 6 (toggle) will illuminate RED.
• Compose the MIDI CC number using the 1-10 pads (10 means 0). At each press the pad will flash RED. In
case a wrong value is inserted EDIT pushbuttons will flash.
• When done press pad 16 (ENTER) to confirm the selection and exit the EDIT mode.