Minimum distance between [ASP] and [AEP] = 25 % of the final value of the
measuring range (turn-down 1:4); for PI2x09: 25 % of the measuring span�
Factory setting
Measuring range scaled
P = system pressure , MAW = initial value of the measuring range, MEW = final value of
the measuring range
: [OU2] = [I]
: [OU2] = [InEG]
In the set measuring range the output signal is between 4 and 20 mA ([OU2] = [I])
or between 20 and 4 mA ([OU2] = [InEG])�
It is also indicated:
• System pressure above the measuring range:
-Output signal > 20 mA if [OU2] = [I]�
-Output signal 4 to 3�8 mA if [OU2] = [InEG]�
• System pressure below the measuring range:
-Output signal 4 to 3�8 mA if [OU2] = [I]�
-Output signal > 20 mA if [OU2] = [InEG]�
4.4 Customer-specific calibration
The customer-specific calibration changes the curve of measured values
compared to the real measured values (shifting / change of the gradient → 9.4.6
• Two calibration points can be defined (CP1, CP2)� The two points are
independent of each other�
The two calibration points must be within the scaled measuring range (→ 4.3
Pressure monitoring / analogue function)�