Socket port
Port number
A socket port assigned for the serial port. It’s a 16-bit number , ranging from 1 to
65535. Because the numbers below 1000 are used for specific purposes (e.g. 80
is for HTTP protocol), we suggest you use the numbers larger than 1000.
Generally the port number 4660 is used for the serial communication. However
you should specify different port number for each serial port.
Socket type
TCP Server: TCP protocol, passive open, to be connected from the TCP client
TCP Client: TCP protocol, active open, connect to the TCP server.
UDP Client: UDP protocol, connectionless
RS232: TxD, RxD for data stream, no flow control
RS232 (RTS/CTS): TxD, RxD for data stream, RTS/CTS for flow control
RS232 (RTS/CTS, DTR/DSR): TxD, RxD for data stream, RTS/CTS
for flow control. DTR for socket status, DSR for socket open/close control
Baud rate, parity, data bits, stop bits
Baud Rate: 300 ~ 230400 bps
Parity: None, Even, Odd
Data Bits: 5, 6, 7, 8
Stop Bit: 1 or 2
Serial Port 2
The second serial port is RS-422/485.
Socket port
Port number
HIMAQ S.R.L - Tel.: (011) 4709-3505 - Mail: [email protected] - WEB: http://www.himaq.com.ar