NEO 2 Interface Developer’s Guide
Copyright © 2019, International Technologies & Systems Corporation. All rights reserved.
Transaction Related Commands: Contactless
Activate Transaction Command (02-01 and 02-40)
02-01 is a legacy command, applicable to non-encrypted transactions only. When EMV
mode encryption is ON or MSR/MSD encryption is ON, if Data encryption Key is loaded, 02-01
will be disabled. Use 02-40 for production; 02-40 is a unified command for both non-
encrypted and encrypted transactions, but if a key is present (unit is injected), encryption will
Use the Activate Transaction command when the ViVOpay reader is in “Poll on Demand” mode
to begin a contactless EMV or contactless MagStripe Card transaction. When the reader is in
“Poll on Demand” mode, the RF is turned on only after receiving an Activate Transaction
command. When a valid Activate Transaction command is sent to the ViVOpay reader, it starts
polling for cards.
If the ViVOpay reader does not find a supported card (an AID that matches one of the
configured AIDs in the reader) for the specified time duration, it times out and ends the
transaction. If the ViVOpay reader finds a card within the specified time interval, it attempts to
carry out the transaction. The transaction flow between the reader and the card depends on
the type of card detected.
If the transaction is successful, the reader returns the data in the response data. If the
transaction is not successful, yet it proceeded into the transaction state machine, the reader
returns a Failed Transaction Record in the response data. The presence and format of the
Clearing Record, Track Data and Failed Transaction record depends on the type of card that
was detected.
While an Activate command is in progress, only a Cancel or a Stop command may be
sent. Do not send other commands until Activate Transaction has completed, because the
reader will interpret these as a Cancel Transaction command.
Non-SRED version device, response format for Activate Transaction Command is
according to “Set Data Encryption Enable Flag (C7-36)” setting and Data encryption Key.
When Data Encryption is disabled, device responds with plaintext data format. When Data
Encryption is enabled: (1) When Data encryption Key exists and is valid, device responds
with encrypted data format. (2) When Data encryption Key does not exist, device responds
with plaintext data format (3) When Data encryption Key exhausts, device responds status
code 0x91 and no data.
For SRED version device, response format for Activate Transaction Command is according
to Data encryption Key. When Data encryption Key exists and is valid, device responds with
encrypted data format. When Data encryption Key exhausts or does not exist, device
responds status code 0x91/0x90 and no data.