SMS Duo V2 Connection to an 805 Panel
The X-SMS module connects to the 805 Interface via a serial cable, the Interface then connects
to the 805 panel via the keypad bus as a second keypad. The LED on the interface board, will
come on when the module has power and has received a valid clock pulse from the IDS805
alarm panel.
The serial connection between the SMS Duo V2 module and the 805 Alarm Panel is shown in
the image above.
Standalone Connection
The SMS Duo V2 in standalone operation only needs a 12V power supply. The zone inputs
monitor for an open or closed condition, 3k3 end of line resistors are required to supervise the
zones and will be sent as partition 2 zone 9 and 10 when triggered. The outputs on the
interface board are relay driven outputs and are controllable via sms.
All sms programming for standalone is the same except that the onboard zones are part of
partition 2. Remember to turn reporting on for partition 2 if you are using the onboard zones.