With the SMS Duo V2 you are able to name users, codes, sites, partitions, PGMs, and zones to
better your reporting and to make sending commands easier.
To name partition 1 you will use the following information:
Code – 1234 (a valid user code in partition 1)
Command – partition
Extended Command – name
Data –1:House (Partition number:Name)
The SMS should look like this:
1234 partition name 1:House
To name zones 2 & 3 you will use the following information:
Code – 1234 (a valid user code in partition 1)
Command – zone
Extended Command – name
Data –2:kitchen,3:dining (Zone number:Name)
The SMS should look like this:
1234 zone name 2:kitchen,3:dining
To name a cellphone user you will use the following information:
Code – 1234 (a valid user code in partition 1)
Command – cellnumber
Extended Command – name
Data –0740492481:Sid (Cell Number:Name)
The SMS should look like this:
1234 cellnumber name 0740492481:Sid
*You can also name a cellnumber when adding it by using the following command:
1234 add master 0740492481:Sid
To name a user code you will use the following information:
Code – 1234 (a valid user code in partition 1)
Command – usercode
Extended Command – name
Data –1:Sid (User Code Slot:Name)
The SMS should look like this:
1234 usercode name 1:Sid
*The usercode name is only used for reporting purposes. You cannot arm/disarm a panel
using the name.