Option R - Repeater Mode
Menu option R is Repeater mode and allows the Wireless Sensor Gateway device to function as a repeater for extended range.
Multiple repeaters can be used with a single BAS gateway and allow for an unlimited extension of data range from the wireless
sensors in any topology. The repeaters do not form routes for each sensor; they simply repeat data that arrives using the same
Network ID for which they are configured. Repeaters will not repeat data from other repeaters and the gateway and repeaters
will not display repeated data from the same sensor node.
Proper use of the Wireless Sensor Gateway as a repeater requires the use of the same Network ID as is used for the gateway.
These parameters can be selection through menu option N as listed earlier in this guide. The repeater should be located within
range of the gateway, and a range of 300 feet is recommended for most environments. Some environments may require short
Pressing SHIFT+R will toggle repeater mode on or off.
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Users Guide