The support mode
The higher the support lev-
el, the more support the motor provides. High
motor power is also associated with high pow-
er consumption. The lowest support level pro-
vides the least force but has the largest range.
The speed:
The faster you ride, the stronger
the support.
Most of the ranges indicated will have
been calculated under optimal condi-
tions. You will probably not achieve
the same ranges on a day-to-day basis.
Please take this into account when planning your
trip. The range of your Pedelec depends on sev-
eral factors:
Support levels:
The higher the support mode,
the lower the range will be.
Riding style:
Optimal use of the gear switch
saves energy. Lower gears require less force,
the support drops and riding the Pedelec uses
less energy. However, hub motors provide sup-
port irrespective of the gear selected and the
force provided by the rider.
Ambient temperature:
Batteries discharge
more rapidly at low temperatures, which results
in a shorter ragne.
Weather and weight:
Wind conditions affect
the range as well, in addition to temperature
conditions. Strong headwind requires more
power when riding.
The technical state of your Pedelec:
The air
pressure in the tyres affects the rolling resis-
tance. The rolling resistance increases when a
tyre has too little air, in particular when riding
over smooth surfaces such as asphalt. A grind-
ing brake or a badly maintained chain also re-
duce the range of your Pedelec.
Battery charge level
The charging state in-
dicates the amount of electrical energy that is
currently stored in the battery. More energy im-
plies a wider range.
Battery capacity
The battery capacity indi-
cates the ability of a fully charged battery to
provide a specific amount of electricity. The
capacity of a battery declines with its age, im-
plying that the amount of electricity that can be
stored at full charge declines as well.
Some Pedelecs can generate energy with their
motor and charge the battery, for example while
riding downhil. The motor acts like a generator,
brakes the bicycle and produces electricity that
is used to load the battery. This method can sign-
ficantly increase the potential range of a trip. The
recuperation system can also be used as a con-
veninet ‘’engine brake’’ on steep or long inclines.
Your system operating instructions describe
how you can use and operate the energy re-
cuperation function. A weak recuperation level
brakes less and is therefore suitable for flat in-
clines, while strong recuperation levels have a
clearly higher braking effect.
This provides range optimisation in an unob-
trusive and convient way.
Familiarise yourself with the braking effect at
the different levels in a quiet area without traffic
before you use the recuperation system on pub-
lic roads.
It is unsual to apply the brakes with
recuperated energy. Familiarise
yourself with the braking effect at the
different levels in a quiet area without traffic
before you use the recuperation system on
public roads.
Riding without motor support
You can also ride your Pedelec without motor
support. The functions of the operatign unit can
normally be applied in the usual way when the
battery has been inserted.
Take care that the connectors for the battery
do not get dirty or wet when you ride without a
battery. It is best to protect them with a fitting and
appropriate cover. However, the fuctions of the
operating unit will not be available.
You can also ride in the dark without a battery
or with the operating unit swiched off when your
Pedelec has a dynamo-powered light system.
You have to carry a charged battery when the
lights are powered by the battery. Ask your spe-
cialist dealer about this.
Please take note that the delay effect
caused by the recuperation is variable
and than recuperation cannot replace
the braking system. The recuperation control
may not keep your speed contstant under all
circumstances. Be ready to brake all the time
when you drive downhill.
IDEAL MANUAL 2016_eng.indd 51
6/27/16 11:39