ID-AL ChronoPlayer - User Guide V1.0
Appendix C Built-in Clock
C.I Principle
The built-in clock of the ChronoPlayer, called RTC (Real Time Clock), is accurate and standalone. The date
and time of the player are always kept up-to-date, whether the player is powered or not, thanks to a built-in
battery. The start and end of daylight saving time are automatically handled by a management of the time
zones, according to the country* where the player is located. In order to operate properly, the Scheduler
feature requires the built-in clock to be adjusted. (See the chapter Control of the ChronoPlayer with a
Timestamped Programming (Scheduler).)
C.II Built-in Clock Setup
The setup parameters of the built-in clock are the following:
Time Zone:
This parameter selects either a geographical rule specific to a world area, country, and region, or a
constant offset relative to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The geographical rules
automatically change the UTC-relative offset during the year to manage daylight saving time.
The geographical rules are selected with the following steps:
1. Select a World Area among the following list: Africa, Americas, Antarctic, Arctic Ocean, Asia,
Atlantic Ocean, Australia, Europe, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean.
2. Select a country relative to the world area. The listed countries depend on the chosen world
3. Select a region relative to the chosen country. This parameter only exists if the chosen
country has several regional rules.
Constant UTC-relative offsets can be selected from UTC-12:00 to UTC+14:00.
The current Date of the player, which is composed of the following items:
The year, between 2016 and 2037.
The month of the year.
The day of the month (the month and leap years are taken into account to determine the number
of days in a month).
The current Time of the player, which is composed of the following items:
The hours, in the 24-hour format.
The minutes.
The seconds. (The leap seconds are not managed.)
© 2016, Waves System
Except for Iran and Morocco, all the global time zone rules are supported. For some areas of Brazil,
the rules of the player will not be correct for the years 2023, 2026, 2034, and 2037. Nevertheless, the
player remains usable in these areas with UTC rules, which have to be modified manually when necessary.
The setup of the date uses the following international writing convention:
the year,
the month, and
the day of the month, e.g.
January 29, 2016.