ID-AL ChronoPlayer - User Guide V1.0
a previous passing in the folder are not replayed while not all the audio files of the folder have been played.
The xxx parameter of the tag [NXTxxx] is the number of audio files to play in the folder. It is always written
with 3 digits (e.g.: 001, 045, 999). It is between 001 and 999.
Folder Name
Action Performed by the Tag
3 audio files are played in the folder 001, then the player stops.
1 audio file is played in the folder 002, then the player plays the folder 000.
5 audio files are played in the folder 003, then the player plays the last folder
004[NXT002][SEQ] [J000] The next 2 files according to the file numbering are played in the folder 004,
then the player plays the folder 000.
5.2 Organization of the Files inside the Folders
Like for the folders, the filenames define the behavior of the
In sequential mode, the files must be numbered. The
names are composed of 3 digits (001 to 999) and of the
name of your choice. Playback options (tags) can be added
as needed, like a blocking of commands or a temporary
change of the volume.
001 [J367] my message.mp3
063 [RS020] filename.wav
845 [V+12] my file.mp3
My Song [NT].wav
Two types of audio files can be used:
WAV audio files (.wav).
MP3 audio files (.mp3).
For more information about the audio file formats supported by the player, see the chapter Audio File
Formats Supported.
The first 3 digits represent the file number, and are therefore the main part of its name (from 001 to 999).
© 2016, Waves System
The naming of the files is free if the playback is in
random mode. ([RND] option or no option in the folder
name). In this case, all the files are played and can be
In sequential mode (SEQ), if both numbered and unnumbered files are present, only the numbered
files are played. In random mode, all the files are played.