ID-AL ChronoPlayer - User Guide V1.0
Parameter Definition
Effect of the Defined Parameter
The player is in “Daisy Chain” mode.
If the line is missing, the factory setting value by default is used, i.e. 0, no monitoring. (For further information
regarding the RS-232 protocol, see the chapter RS-232 Serial Link Protocol.)
9.5 Choice of the Folder to Play on Startup - #BOOT:xxx
Sometimes, it can be necessary to define the folder to play on startup. By default, the folder 000 is used as
the “AutoPlay” folder.
Table 12: #BOOT parameter syntax
Parameter Definition
xxx: a number between 000 et 999.
Parameter Definition
Effect of the Defined Parameter
The contents of the 015 folder are set to be played on startup.
If the line is missing, the factory setting value by default is used, i.e. 000 for the folder 000.
If the folder does not exist, the player stops and waits for an instruction.
9.6 Assign Specific Commands to the Inputs - #INPUTxx:cmd
By default, each input combination triggers the playback of the corresponding folder. For a better versatility of
the player, it is possible to assign other commands to the input combinations.
Table 13: List of the possible commands for #INPUT
Parameter Value
Effect of the Value
Play the last played file.
Stop the current playback.
Play the next file of the folder being played.
Play the previous file of the folder being played.
Increase the volume by one step.
Decrease the volume by one step.
Jump to the folder xxx - xxx can be a value between 000 and 999.
Send the line #xxx of the file
on the RS-232 output (with xxx from 000 to
Table 14: #INPUT parameter syntax
Parameter Definition
xx: an input from 01 to 15 – cmd: an option among the list above.
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