In “
Mod State
” item, clicking the “
” button it will show the
more detailed module status like Figure 4-12. If the
corresponding bit is 1, it means that the corresponding state
Figure 4-12
module state Detailed Information
(1) U2C Buf-Full
USB to CAN hardware buffer overflow happened.
(2) C2U Buf-Full
CAN to USB hardware buffer overflow happened.
(3) Hardware Fail
Module hardware something breaks down.
(4) Drv RxBuf-Full
Software buffer overflow of I-7565-H1/H2 Utility happened.
<3> “
Clear Buffer Overflow LED
” option
When CAN/USB buffer overflows, then the ERR LED will
flash one second permanently. The button is used to clear
the ERR LED flash state.
<4> “
Reset Module
” option
It is used to reset I-7565-H1/H2 remotely.
4.4.2 Advanced Config Function
The following is the illustration for “Advanced Config” screen like
Figure 4-13 and Figure 4-14.
Figure 4-13
Configuration Function of I-7565-H1/H2 Utility
I-7565-H1/H2 High Performance USB/CAN Converter User’s Manual (Ver 1.7, Aug/2011) ------------- 36