I-7540D-WF CAN to Wi-Fi Converter User’s Manual (Ver. 2.0, Jan/2012) ------------- 31
Designate I-7540D-WF Utility connections for the TCP Client
mode, enter the Server's IP, and press the "Client Listen"
button. I-7540D-WF Utility will connect with the Server.
Figure 3-14: Client Connection Settings area
TCP Port Number
Set I-7540D-WF Utility TCP connection Port Number, and this
setting must the same with the I-7540D-WF's Port Number for
normal connections.
Figure 3-15: TCP Port Number Settings area
Send To
Specify the IP location for CAN data to be sent via the WLAN.
This setting can only be specified in the connection status.
Figure 3-16: IP designated area for CAN data transmission
System Message
This area will display information for the system connection,
such as waiting for the connection, the connection is
successful, read data, and etc.
Figure 3-17:
System message display area