Installation manual
9.1 Parapets
For the single ply waterproofing of parapets, unbacked
Monarplan® D membranes or tapes of the required width (girth +
min. 10 cm) are used. For full surface bonding backed Monarplan®
GF can be used.
The waterproofing of parapets is always carried out “separately”
from the water proofing of the field area. The sealing of the field
area should be raised approx. 5 cm up the parapet.
Protection against wind uplift:
The edge of the waterproofing at the top of the parapet must be
sealed so as to be
The installation method and direction of the waterproofing
membranes are to be determined depending on the characteristics
of the building (height of the parapet, width of parapet top, building
material, if necessary perimeter fastening).
For parapets up to 50 cm height, membranes can be loose laid
without fixing on the wall. For parapets over 50 cm height,
the membranes must be either fully bonded (Icopal® Contact
Adhesive 914), or secured intermediately with Monarplan® coated
metal sheets.
9.2 Protection against wind uplift
The edge of the roof sealing at the parapet must be sealed so as to
be wind-proof. With loosely laid membranes, this is accomplished
by wind-proof, mechanically fastened Monarplan® coated metal
sheet angles (e. g. by underlaying a strip of permanently elastic
materials, especially at uneven substrates), whereas fully bonded
membranes, depending on the building height and edge details
(edge trim, capping), may be additionally mechanically fastened
in line.
9.3 Edge Protection
Inner edges of the parapet must be shaped in such a way that
the roof sealing can be applied without damage. Monarplan® GF
membranes can be applied directly around cut-off edges. Non
cut-off, sharp edges can be covered with a mechanically fastened
Monarplan® coated metal sheet angle.
9 Roofing Details