Installation manual
Roll the membrane onto the adhesive coated substrate while
avoiding wrinkles. Immediately brush down the bonded portion
of the sheet with a soft bristle push broom or a clean dry roller
applicator to achieve maximum contact, without air pockets or
Always check the adhesiveness.
7.6.7 Suitability of cold-bonding adhesives
With cold-bonding adhesives, pay special attention to their
suitability for contact with the substrate. On substrates which
have a top separation layer, e. g. a PE foil or a talcum coating, you
cannot use cold-bonding adhesives.
Such separation layers may be applied to bituminous felts and
on membrane-shaped backings or bituminous adhesive layers of
thermal insulation boards to avoid sticking of the material on the
roll or transport piles.
Bonding is not possible on unbacked polystyrene boards or
polystyrene boards with glass fleece backing.
Bituminous felts / backings with a sanded surface are
particularly suitable for cold bonding.
7.6.8 Methodology
Side Laps
Monarplan® GF Membranes are manufactured with a 70 mm
fleece free selvage. Position the adjoining sheet allowing for a
50 mm side lap bond in place as above. The weld must have a
compulsory minimum width of 20 mm.
Where possible, position laps so that water runs across or parallel
to the laps. Checking the seams is a compulsory action at the
end of any area of work. The welded seams have to cool down to
ambient temperature before probing.
End Laps
At end laps, or where there is no fleece free selvedge (thus a hot-
air weld cannot be made) the membranes should be butt jointed.
Overlay the butt joint with a 150 mm strip of Monarplan®
Reinforced Strip membrane centred over the joint and weld along
both edges. End laps should wherever possible be staggered to
the adjacent sheet. The weld must be a compulsory minimum
width of 20 mm. Checking the seams is a compulsory action at the
end of any area of work. The welded seams are to then be allowed
to cool down to ambient temperature before probing.
min 70 mm
min. 20 mm
min 150 mm
min. 20 mm
Approx. 15 mm overlap