BIA-DPC1 rev 4
Page 32
4.5.1 Water supply by liquid level control through float switches or probes (cont)
Normal demand
Liquid level in the water storage tank is lower than Probe 1 # (float switch A: Down level), control box will
order single pump to run; Liquid level reaches probe 4 # (float switch A: Up level), single pump stops running;
control box will alternate double pumps running automatically when liquid level varies from Probe 1# & Probe
4#, (Float Switch A: Down level Up level Down level)
Extra demand
when single pump is running, liquid level is still decreasing to Probe 2# (Float Switch B: Down level), control
box will order another pump to run simultaneously, until liquid level reaches Probe 4# (Float Switch A & B: Up
level), double pumps will not stop running;
Meanings of the messages & graphic shown on the LCD screen