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NPRG 870 – NPRG 860
User’s Guide
Date : 09/2010
Edition :13/06/2017
Sheet : 3
Issue : D
1. Safety
For your safety, we recommend you to read the following information carefully. They have
the aim of specifying the precautions essential to the good installation and the correct
operation of the products.
1.1 Documentation
Following documentations are available for the products of range NP800:
General presentation of NP800 Range.
Application Guide of NP800 Range.
User’s Guide of the
Setting Software
User’s Guide (by type of product)
First Handling Guide (by type of product)
Diagram for each relays.
We advise you to read them before any handling.
1.2 Connection of the NP800 range
The terminal blocks of the Automatic Synchronizer are studied to ensure the safety of the
people during the operation of the products.
During installation, commissioning or maintenance, they can however present high voltages
and possibly a thermal heating. Consequently, the following precautions must be respected:
Connection of the terminal blocks at installation must be carried out after having
ensured of the absence of any voltage
Their access during operation must be carried out through adequate means ensuring
as well electric as thermal insulation
The connection of the earth at the back of the relays must imperatively be done with
mean of a 2.5 mm² wire.
Before powering the Automatic Synchronizer, it will be necessary to check in particular:
The value of the voltage rating of the auxiliary supply and its polarization
The good realization of connections
Integrity of the connection to the earth.
1.3 On
It is formally misadvised to withdraw the connectors under voltage or on load.
1.4 Removal and destruction
The Automatic Synchronizer
should in no case be opened by the User. During their removal,
they must be completely isolated from any external polarity and capacitors must be
discharged by connecting their external terminals to the earth.
The destruction of the Automatic Synchronizer will have to be carried out in accordance with
the legislation in force, in particular in compliance with the environment and safety