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NPRG 870 – NPRG 860
User’s Guide
Date : 09/2010
Edition :13/06/2017
Sheet : 11
Issue : D
5.2 Measurements menu
This menu displays any real time measurement of the Automatic Synchronizer, the time
stamping and the selected group (NPRG870).
Measurements available in real-time.
Use the "
" and "
" keys to access the various
parameters in the “MEASUREMENTS” menu
Generator voltage
100 to 500 000 V.
Bus voltage measurement.
100 to 500 000 V.
Generator frequency
30 à 70 Hz
Bus Frequency measurement.
30 à 70 Hz
Voltage Difference between
Generator and Bus.
-30 000 to +30 000 V
Voltage Difference between
Generator and Bus.
-55 to +55 Hz
-65 to +65 Hz
Phase difference between
Generator and Bus.
0 to 360 °
Phase compensated difference
measurement (related to the
measurement of TA).
0 to 360 °
Closing time measurement of
the paralleling CB.
0 to 1 s
Actual anticipation
0 to 360 °
Speed Variation measurement. -10 to +10 Hz/s
Ext U! G! S!
U.. G....°...
Measurements default Screen.
Show Digital Input status.
I5, I6, I7, I8
(NPRG 870 version