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NPRG 870 – NPRG 860
User’s Guide
Date : 09/2010
Edition :13/06/2017
Sheet : 24
Issue : D
7.4 Connection of the Modbus RS485 communication
7.4.1 Characteristics
of the network cable
Recommended characteristics for the cable:
Shielded twisted pairs, maximum length 1000 m.
resistance < 100 ohms/km
capacity between wires < 60 pF/m
capacity between wire and shield < 100 pF/m
It is imperatively necessary to tighten the fixing clamp on the shield and not on insulator, in
order to ensure continuity of the shield of the cable and its earthing.
7.4.2 Adaptation
of the RS 485 connection
In order to adapt the impedance of the RS 485 connection, two resistances of 120 ohms are
necessary. With this intention, NP800 relays are fitted with a resistance of 120 ohms and a
jumper provided for this purpose. To carry out this adaptation, according to the diagram
below, connect the terminal «Rterm" to the terminal "- T/R» of the two end relays of the
connection thanks to the jumper. The jumpers of the other relays of the connection will have
to be removed